
  • On the bench: Illuminor Szeras

    On the bench: Illuminor Szeras

    A model kit of the Necrons character Illuminor Szeras from Warhammer 40,000 is being built. A part of the base sits in the background, one leg is loose on the workbench and clamps hold a leg in place on the model's torso.

    On the workbench today: Illuminor Szeras, a Necrons character for Warhammer 40,000. Szeras was the model included with Issue 90 of my Warhammer 40,000: Imperium subscription, which delivered in December 2023. This is part of my effort to begin clearing a pretty crazy backlog of models that I need to build while I hold off on purchasing anything new — and thankfully, aside from the Dark Angels Inner Circle Companions and the Belial and Asmodai characters, there just isn’t much that I want.

    So far, the torso is pretty fiddly and there’s no real reason for it to be engineered the way it was, which is typical of a ton of Games Workshop stuff. But when it’s finished, this is going to be a pretty fantastic model.